XXV Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa | SIIE 23
XXV International Symposium on Computers in Education | SIIE 23

The XXV International Symposium on Educational Informatics invites authors to send original contributions in the area of ​​Educational Informatics related to the following topics of interest:

Pedagogical theories applied to educational software design
Semantic web applications in education
Educational software applications in specific domains
Distance learning, online and hybrid
Collaborative learning
Ubiquitous and mobile learning
Authoring of educational contents
Open knowledge in educational contexts
Design and standardisation of educational technologies, metadata and modelling languages
Design, development and evaluation of educational software
e-Assessment: Theory, methods, tools and practises
Personalised learning environments
Learning analytics
Teachers’ training in ICTs
Knowledge, technology and competence management in educational contexts
Artificial intelligence in education
Human-computer interaction in educational contexts
Virtual and remote laboratories
Methodologies and use practises of educational software
Educational data mining
Multimedia, hypermedia and visualisation in education
Educational virtual worlds
Computational thinking, coding and educational robotics
Web-based resources, tools and course systems
Learning management systems: architectures and platforms
Non-formal and informal learning support in the workplace
Educational simulations and video games
Social web and learning communities
Virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality
Inclusive learning and Special Education